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en:programs_to_communicate_with_the_dds [2016/03/14 14:19]
en:programs_to_communicate_with_the_dds [2016/03/14 14:29] (current)
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 ===Interface with TI microcontroller:​ the MSP430=== ===Interface with TI microcontroller:​ the MSP430===
-Sample program in C written in the microcontroller MSP430F169 +Sample program in C written in the microcontroller MSP430F169 ​this microcontroller has 2 SPI ports.
- +
-This microcontroller has 2 SPI ports.+
 SPI mode: Single-bit serial 2-wire Mode (default mode) SPI mode: Single-bit serial 2-wire Mode (default mode)
Line 64: Line 62:
     UCTL1 & = ~ SWRST; Initialize USART state machine     UCTL1 & = ~ SWRST; Initialize USART state machine
   }   }
-BCSCTL1 | = XTS; and BCSCTL2 | = SELM_3; used to be the fashion ​HF XTAL MSP430 operate at 8MHz instead of 32KHz default.+BCSCTL1 | = XTS; and BCSCTL2 | = SELM_3; used to be the HF XTAL MSP430 operate at 8MHz instead of 32KHz default.
            ​MSP430F169            ​MSP430F169
          ​-----------------          ​-----------------
      / | \ | XIN | -      / | \ | XIN | -
-      ​| | | HF XTAL (455k - 8 Mhz) +       | | | HF XTAL (455k - 8 Mhz) 
-      - | RST XOUT | - +         ​- | RST XOUT | - 
-        | | +         ​| | 
-        | P5.4 | -> MCLK XTAL =+           ​| P5.4 | -> MCLK XTAL = 
 +According to Mr Buccini Texas Instruments Inc. Feb 2005 Built with CCE Version: 3.2.0 and IAR Embedded Workbench Version: 3.21a 
 +the routine for loading data into SPI mode MSP430F169:​ 
 +    write_serial_port void (int instruction,​ long data, int num_byte) 
 +    { 
 +     int i = 0; 
 +     ​TXBUF1 = statement;​ 
 +      do 
 +     { 
 +     ​TXBUF1 = data >> (num_byte-1-i) * 8; 
 +     i ++; 
 +     } 
 +      while (i <​num_byte);​ 
 +    } 
 +===Interface with a TI ARM microcontroller:​ the TM4C123GH6PM === 
 +Example C program written in ARM microcontroller TM4C123GH6PM 
 +This microcontroller has 4 SPI ports. Default = 80MHz clock 
 +SPI mode: Single-bit serial 3-wire, the routine for the SPI mode data TM4C123GH6PM ARM: 
 +   int i = 0; 
 +   ​SSI0_DR_R = statement;​ 
 +   while (num_byte) 
 +   { 
 +      while (! (SSI0_SR_R & SSI_SR_TNF)) {} // SPI0 of TM4C123GH6PM 
 +      SSI0_DR_R = data >> (num_byte-1-i) * 8; 
 +      num_byte--;​ 
 +   } 
 +  while (! (SSI0_SR_R & SSI_SR_TNF))  
 +      { 
 +        ; 
 +      } 
 +The init routine (SPI) for the ARM TM4C123GH6PM:​ 
 +   // Enable Peripheral SSI0 
 +   ​SysCtlPeripheralEnable (SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOA);​ // Enable GPIO port A SSI0. 
 +   ​SysCtlPeripheralEnable (SYSCTL_PERIPH_SSI0);​ 
 +   ​GPIOPinConfigure (GPIO_PA2_SSI0CLK);​ 
 +   ​GPIOPinConfigure (GPIO_PA3_SSI0FSS);​ 
 +   ​GPIOPinConfigure (GPIO_PA5_SSI0TX);​ 
 +   ​SSIConfigSetExpClk (SSI0_BASE, SysCtlClockGet () SSI_FRF_MOTO_MODE_0,​ 
 +   ​SSI_MODE_MASTER,​ 10000000, 8); 
 +   ​SSIEnable (SSI0_BASE);​ // Enable the SSI 
 +Example of initializing Port B on ARM TM4C123GH6PM:​ 
 +   // Void PortB_Init (void) 
 +   ​volatile unsigned long delay; 
 +   ​SYSCTL_RCGC2_R | = 0x00000002; // 1) activate clock for Port B 
 +   delay = SYSCTL_RCGC2_R;​ // Allow for time clock to start 
 +   ​GPIO_PORTB_AMSEL_R = 0x00; // 3) disable analog one PB 
 +   ​GPIO_PORTB_PCTL_R = 0x00000000; // 4) PCTL GPIO is PB0 
 +   ​GPIO_PORTB_DIR_R | = 0xFF; // 5) PB0-PB7 is out 
 +   // GPIO_PORTB_AFSEL_R & = ~ 0x01; // 6) disable alt funct on PB0 
 +   ​GPIO_PORTB_AFSEL_R & = ~ 0xFF; // 6) disable alt funct on PB0-PB7 
 +   ​GPIO_PORTB_DEN_R | = 0xFF; // 7) enable digital I / O on PB0-PB7 
 +Example of initializing a USB-PORT for UART0 serial communication on the ARM TM4C123GH6PM:​ 
 +   // Void init_UART0 (void) 
 +   ​SysCtlPeripheralEnable (SYSCTL_PERIPH_UART0);​ 
 +   ​SysCtlPeripheralEnable (SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOA);​ 
 +   ​GPIOPinConfigure (GPIO_PA0_U0RX);​ 
 +   ​GPIOPinConfigure (GPIO_PA1_U0TX);​ 
 +   ​UARTConfigSetExpClk (UART0_BASE,​ SysCtlClockGet (), 9600, 
 +Example of declaration and initialization of the frequency word registers:​ 
 +   // // AD9852 
 +   ​FTW0_ADRESS int = 0x02; 
 +   // Unsigned long long FTW0 = 0x17E4B17E4B1;​ //​1.75MHz@300MHz clk 
 +   ​unsigned long long FTW0; 
 +   // Float FTW0 = 0x17E4B17E4B1;​ //​1.75MHz@300MHz clk 
 +   ​FTW0_NUM_BYTE int = 0x06; 
 +   // // AD9858 
 +   ​FTW1_ADRESS int = 0x03; 
 +   ​unsigned long FTW1 = 0x418937; // @ 1000MHz 1MHz clk 
 +   ​FTW1_NUM_BYTE int = 0x04; 
 +   // // AD9858 
 +   ​CFR_ADRESS int = 0x00; 
 +   ​unsigned long CFR = 0x79; // MSB first 
 +   ​CFR_NUM_BYTE int = 0x04;
en/programs_to_communicate_with_the_dds.1457961556.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/03/14 14:19 by fwiotte